Tuesday, February 21, 2006

My Space

I know that I am behind the times when I comes to this, but I visited MySpace for the first time yesterday. I have a friend that let me get on her account and browse. It was crazy. Before I realized it, I had let an hour go by. After this experience I began to think about MySpace. One alarming thing I noticed was the amount of information someone could gather through someone's page. Almost all of my friends pages had most of their personal info right out there for all to see. For example the city they lived in, what school they go to, their birthday and their picture. It's crazy that we are ok with giving out so much information about ourselves. There have been many cases of abductions that prove this dangerous. With all that said, I do think that this technology could be used to benefit teachers. They could keep up with their students outside of the classroom, see who their students say they are, and also encourage their students towards the creative side of MySpace. But I think that we need to warn them not to give out all their information.


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